Case Studies: Showcasing Successful eCommerce Website Redesign

Your website is more than a website. It serves as both your business storefront and your sales team. It’s also your first chance to make a good impression, lure in potential buyers, and answer questions they might have. But if your website is lacking in any of these areas, it may be time for a redesign.

Just as you train and invest in your sales staff, you need to monitor your site’s performance and make updates to maintain visitor conversions. A website redesign can be key to resolving issues such as cart abandonment, high bounce rates, and unresponsive design.

The UpTop team has delivered remarkable performance improvements for our clients through customized, company-specific redesign strategies. In these case studies, we share how we approached each company’s goals and the results. These examples may help you see shortcomings in your online store and find simple solutions for big gains.

Case Study #1: Mattress Firm

Mattress Firm is the biggest mattress retailer in the U.S. It offers a wide selection of quality bedding at competitive prices. The company initially expressed concerns about low conversion rates, which required an improved purchase funnel flow.

The Website Redesign Process

In the initial assessment, UpTop studied website analytics, gathered user feedback, and used best practices to uncover several trouble areas in the checkout flow. The absence of category landing pages led to further usability issues.

website redesign

The website redesign included creating category landing pages to help users browse and find products easily. The shopping cart experience was improved to address customers’ security concerns and streamline the checkout process.

Phase 1 Results

The improved eCommerce functionality led to a whopping 43% increase in overall conversion rate. Product page abandonment also dropped by 325%.

On-Going Conversion Rate Optimization

After seeing the noteworthy improvements, Mattress Firm asked UpTop to be their UX partner for many subsequent years, where we continued working on adding new product features and optimizing existing ones to increase conversion rates.

One of the biggest gains in conversion optimization came when UpTop performed research that indicated the number one reason customers don’t make a purchase was because they don’t know which mattress to choose.

With this insight, UpTop designed an online mattress finder wizard to simplify the information-rich and complex process of choosing the perfect mattress. We revamped the user journey and added one-click checkout for faster, simplified purchases.


These improvements led Mattress Firm to a 60% increase in shopping cart conversion rate.

Post-Purchase UX Audit

In our most recent project with Mattress Firm, we were asked to perform an audit of the online store’s post-purchase experience, which included every touch point that occurred once a customer placed the order to when the mattress or bedding was delivered to the customer’s home.

Our team conducted research through persona building, journey mapping, competitive analysis, feedback, and sentiment review. We also employed usability testing and mystery shopping.

UpTop provided a detailed audit outlining important customer priorities. We also gave targeted recommendations for updating and redesigning the website to meet these needs.

Other adjustments included:

  • UX language adjustments
  • Visual changes
  • Customer portal enhancements
  • Improved chat support functionality
  • Streamlined post-purchase communication

Case Study #2: Leading eCommerce Company

One of the world’s leading eCommerce giants partnered with UpTop for a website redesign strategy that would reduce support contacts by removing friction points across the user experience. The company wanted to gather customer insights through both quantitative and qualitative research and create north star visions for various product groups. These shared design visions would bring clarity and alignment to both the customer needs and business goals and how they come together to form the user experience.

website redesign
Photographer: NicoElNino

Website Redesign Strategy

UpTop conducted research and experimentation through interviews, surveys, and usability tests. We reviewed and analyzed data on the current experience and gathered data on a proposed new experience to benchmark performance. This data combined with other web analytics informed the next steps in the product roadmap.

Understanding the attitudes and behaviors of customers and meeting their expectations is paramount to eCommerce success. So, doing the necessary legwork to gain customer insights is critical. By validating the performance of future product visions, the product owners are able to gain funding and support for their initiatives to fully build them out.

UpTopUpTop Perspective

One of the reasons why this eCommerce company is so successful, is their approach to building out products. The company requires every product owner to create a standardized, four-page press release that documents their product vision. It summarizes the problem statement, vision, and FAQs in an easily understandable format, enhancing communication both internally and externally.

Case Study #3: Paint Supply

Paint Supply is an eCommerce store that specializes in paint-related products. The expansive online store features thousands of products, from brushes and equipment to stains, driveway, and roof coatings.

The company’s initial goal was to boost market competitiveness with an eCommerce experience that outdid competitors. Due to proof-of-concept concerns and a need to stick to a specified budget, we chose an incremental approach to the website redesign. Paint Supply could then gradually expand the site’s functionality and assess the viability of the overall concept before committing to further adjustments.

The Website Redesign Process

Because user experience is fundamental to the success of any eCommerce store, UpTop focused on improving the buying process. For instance, we:

  • Improved product detail pages (PDP)
  • Streamlined site navigation
  • Simplified checkout
  • Improved site performance to keep up with the increasing infrastructure demands
  • Addressed security concerns to protect user privacy, prevent hacking attempts, and ensure secure purchases

The UpTop team significantly expanded product pages to include new features. This allowed for additional purchase options, volume discounts, direct shipping from the manufacturer, shopping within family groups, and customer service improvements.

The company’s advertising efforts and associated organic and paid traffic increased dramatically over the same period. As such, our strategy also included fine-tuning and upgrading the hosting infrastructure to keep up with the traffic increases without paying for unnecessary excess.


Throughout our partnership with Paint Supply, customer traffic and sales volume continue to increase. Our services include a continuation of the upgrade process to accommodate growing traffic as well as ad hoc updates in response to the evolving needs of the company. By staying responsive to market trends and customer feedback, the company aims to continue enhancing its online presence through strategic updates and adaptations.

Enhancing Online Presence Through Website Redesign

The website redesign process analyzes consumer habits, identifies pain points, and improves design and functionality. As a result, the new site can enhance usability, streamline navigation, elevate visual appeal, and optimize conversions.

An eCommerce website redesign should align with the latest industry standards, customer expectations, and emerging trends- but remain a bespoke process. As seen with the above examples, when done correctly, this investment can significantly impact your online success.

At UpTop, we help businesses create outstanding digital experiences that boost conversions and seize market opportunities. Our teams specialize in UX strategy, product design, and software development. We collaborate with you to provide design direction based on thorough research.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you craft digital experiences that align UX with your growth goals.